Tuesday, July 27, 2010

RIP...for now.

Okay, so I have sad news.

I was walking, minding my own business, carrying my laptop in both of my hands when...

all of a sudden...

I walked into a doorframe...

and dropped my laptop.

The screen exploded in pink and black, resembling the parting of the Red Sea.

A funeral followed several minutes later. It was a sad time.

But, since then we have discovered that my computer is fixable! So, until I have a new screen shipped in, my blog will be rather... empty. And picture-less. Sad.

In other news though, the birthday cake was AMAZING! I have a great picture but, no way to upload it. The peanut butter bars were also tasty. Every time I make them, I learn how to improve the recipe. It's great fun.

And no, I still haven't worn that fabulous apron. But seriously, when I break that baby out, the cooking world will be put to shame ;)


  1. Sorry about your laptop... just be thankful it's FIXABLE... ready for a story?

    So we have a little USB stick here that is our internet. It's pay as you go and we stick the thing in, connect and voila. We're paying an arm and a leg for okay internet. Such is the developing world.. anywho... so this other missionary who lives here told me she could help me out to get more bang for my buck internet-wise. She asked to do something on my computer that would help... She went into my control panel and showed me that if she changed some things regarding my automatic updates, it would save internet. well..........

    the next time i shut down my computer, was the last time i ever would. it's dead. won't turn on. stuck trying to update for eternity.

    worse news? she's split. left the country. gone. done. i can't even sue.

    and i had someone look at it, and they confirmed that there's nothing that can be done. i might be able to get my information if i have the boot up cd, (which is back the US in a box, not sure where).

    i haven't had a funeral yet. i'm still in the denial phase of grieving.

    the end.

  2. sigh...it WAS fixable until I found out it wasn't :( Hello MacBook Pro....I'll be seeing you soon!

    That's what happened to a couple on our team, but with a bootleg version of Microsoft Office. They will be seeing their MacBook Pro shortly as well.

    I know it's hard to accept the loss of someone (aka something) you love, but what helps with the grieving process is reflecting on the good times that you shared. Make a video montage, create a scrapbook--keep its memories alive! Never forget those that you love. And, when you do get a new computer, be sure to tell it just what large shoes it has to fill...
