Saturday, July 24, 2010

Ahh. Beginnings. How awkward.

Hello Blogging World! This is, obviously, my first post on this blog so why not jump into it with a completely irrelevant comment?

I love chocolate peanut butter bars.

Now that you know me to the depths of my soul...let's talk about this blog.

What is there to talk about? I suppose I've wanted to make a blog for a while where I can just say whatever I want. It doesn't have a theme; it doesn't have a just lets this craving to...well...write, escape! Who knows if anyone will read it, but hey, if you are, welcome! I'm a college student living half-way across the world for part of my studies and, while I'm away from most Western civilization, I might as well reach out to the world as a whole and become a little more connected while I'm at it.

Don't you love ramblings that don't really say anything?

Well anyways... I suppose I should do something with my day instead of just sending random thoughts out into oblivion.

oh. the title. Why Bohemian Chanel?

I suppose it describes me. This has nothing to do with fashion...well, not really and I didn't know that there was makeup called Bohemian Chanel, but let's just pretend it was all my idea. I picked Chanel because I am partly composed, organized, classy and (sometimes) dressed to the nines WHILE the Bohemian aspect describes the artsy, unorganized, random, confusing side of my life. Not gonna lie, I often lean towards the Bohemian side ;)

Well I suppose I'll talk to you (whoever you are) later and I'll include something deep or whatever haha. Most likely it will turn into a story of something that went horribly wrong and ended up with me needing to renovate the entire kitchen or something equally horrifying.

Alrighty. see you all...later.


  1. Ohhhh, Bre! Reading this makes me miss talking to you! Because you pretty much write the same dramatic way you talk. ;)

    Anyways... Bohemian Chanel, I like it. It does a great job of describing you! LOVE YOU!

  2. lol that's all this blog is... me dictating to my computer haha. I miss you too!! We need more 2AM hangouts in the lounge. AKA you need to visit me in MN in...oh 2011?
